Recycling grants, loans available for businesses


DNRECDNREC is offering the Universal Recycling Grant and Low Interest Loan Program, with $1.5 million available to help the commercial sector succeed in recycling. The fund is used to help businesses and other organizations comply with the Jan. 1, 2014 deadline for the Universal Recycling Law.

The commercial sector includes any for profit or not-for profit retail or wholesale stores, offices, food service establishments, warehouses, and other manufacturing, industrial or processing activities, and institutions such as social, charitable, educational, health care, professional and government services.

The Universal Recycling Law also includes DNREC’s recycling grants program as a funding mechanism to assist Delaware entities with implementation costs. Grant applications will be accepted from now until Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. Application forms and guidance are available at:, or via Delaware’s recycling website at:


“Recycling can help businesses save money and reduce their environmental footprint,” said DNREC Secretary Collin O’Mara. “To achieve the statewide goals of the Universal Recycling Law, we need to work with businesses to double the recycling rate across the commercial sector.”



Business owners and Institution managers are encouraged to learn about the growing recycling opportunities in Delaware. Materials commonly recycled in the commercial sector may include corrugated cardboard, food scraps, scrap lumber and scrap metals, office paper, and various plastic

For the grants program, priority will be given to those entities responsible for compliance with the commercial component of the Universal Recycling legislation. However, other projects are eligible.




  1. Dear Sir,

    Kindly guide me on the grants or subsidies regarding the recycling of sugar canes.the product called bio coal .want to start a business so/

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