Text-to-911 emergency messages now available

Phone calls still preferred for most situations

Photo from WHYY/Mark Eichman

Delaware’s 911 centers are now equipped to accept emergency requests for help through text message.

“There are many emergency situations that occur each day placing our citizens in a position where making a call is not possible,” said Gov. John Carney. “Text-to-911 is a life-saving technology, giving our citizens one more way to reach out for help when they need it most. This is just another step Delaware is taking to make our communities safer.”

While “Text-to-911” is now available, voice calls to 911 are still the best and fastest way to contact 911 in the event of an emergency, a release stated.

“Text-to-911” is meant for times when a call to 911 is not possible due to the caller being incapable of speech during an emergency, if the caller is hard of hearing, or if the caller is in a situation where it is not safe to place a voice call.

Recent upgrades to equipment and operating system software in 911 Centers statewide, funded through the state’s E911 Board provided the technology needed to support text messaging. The project moved the State’s 911 emergency communications system which operated on copper lines to an internet-based system.

To quickly get help through Text-to-911, the first text should be short and include the location of the emergency and ask for police, fire, or ambulance. Texts should be in simple words with no emojis, abbreviations or slang. Texts should also not be included on a group conversation.