Our ranking: Fastest broadband, expensive LLCs, long emergency room waits


Delaware ranks first in broadband, according to the most recent report from BroadbandNow.

Ranking second through fourth are New Hampshire, New Jersey and Maryland.

The bottom three states are Arkansas, West Virginia and Alaska. Population density makes broadband coverage more difficult in Alaska, although much of the population is in larger communities

The ranking was based on internet coverage, speed and availability.

Despite the top ranking, Delaware has a number of internet deserts with federal funding used to extend existing broadband systems.


Click here for the full report.

Delaware waiting room times remain among worst in nation

AutoInsurance.org ranked emergency room waiting times as the second worst in the nation, with Maryland coming in at the bottom.

According to the report Delaware’s neighbors also rank in the top 15. Population density is cited as a factor. The states ranking low on the list tend to be less crowded.

Delaware’s hospital system has large nonprofit systems and limited competition. One provider, Saint Francis in Wilmington promotes its short emergency room wait times.

Maryland has a more regulated hospital industry in efforts to hold down health costs. Critics claim that leads to fewer emergency center options that might reduce wait times.

Delaware hospital providers have been working to provide alternatives for many seeking the emergency room who may not need the same level of care as heat attack, accident or shooting victims. Emergency centers remains an expensive point of entry to many who wait to long for treatment or do not have insurance.

Click here for the full rankings.

Delaware ranks as third worst state for LLC start-ups

Venture Smarter ranked Delaware has the third worst state to start up a limited liability company (LLC) California ranked as the worst, with Wyoming the best.

Rankings are based on factors including LLC annual fees, LLC filling fees, average LLC agreement bid costs (from professionals in states where one is requiried), advertising and publishing costs, tax climate index scores, and number of small businesses per 100K residents. 

Delaware has total startup costs are around $1,210. Delaware also requires an LLC Operating Agreement certificate, that costs about $820. Wyoming’s filing fee for an LLC is $100.

Despite the high costs, Delaware is a popular spot for LLCs, often for units of larger enterprises.

 Florida’s total LLC startup costs are a total of $264, with $125 of the LLC filling fee and $139 for the annual LLC fee.  ‘
