Bethany builder’s television pilot to air on Friday on HGTV


marnie-ourslerBethany Beach builder  Marnie Oursler is getting a shot at  a cable TV show with a pilot for a beach home show.

Ousrler has been hitting the radio and TV talk circuit in southern Delaware and the Washington, DC area to promote the show, Big Beach Builds.

The show will make be aired at noon Friday on HGTV.

The cable TV business is as tough as the custom building arena, with many pilots never making their way to the second episode. Channels like HGTV shoot for personalities that can generate big ratings, examples being The Property Brothers and the California-based Flip or Flop.

But Oursler  brings a  telegenic presence and business savvy  that has helped her build a company that is now known along the beaches and the D.C. area, home of much of he money that builds beach showplaces.


Oursler  has been building custom homes in Delaware and other areas since moving to Bethany Beach from the Washington, DC area.

She has also been active in the community and is   a member of the board of the The Joshua M. Freeman Foundation.








