Lunch Mob to demonstrate support for buying local


go britA Lewes restaurant will get a boost on  May 1 as area residents and workers show their support for locally-owned businesses during the “Lunch Mob” event.

“After a long, harsh winter,” said Lunch Mob organizer Pete Green, “it’s time to celebrate and highlight the locally-owned small businesses that make our area unique and give it the great sense of place that draws people by the thousands.”

Green and co-organizer Dave Burris invite people to show their support for buying local by coming to Go Brit in Lewes for lunch on May 1st, anytime from 11 a.m. to 2 o,n,

“It’s as simple as that,” said Green. “Come for lunch, eat in or take out, gather with fellow local business supporters, and show the community how much support there is for buying locally.”

Several regional and nationwide studies by research firm Civic Economics have shown that spending at locally owned businesses results in as much as 25% more money staying in the community versus spending at a chain store or on the Internet.


“It’s a pro-community argument, but it’s also an economic argument,” said Burris. “It matters where you spend your money, and when you spend it locally, our economy grows and everyone benefits. Shifting just 10% of your spending away from chains and the Internet to a local business would have a profound impact in an area like ours.”

Go Brit proprietor Alison Blyth is a longtime local business owner who has seen the area grow and change over the years.

“It’s very important to me to buy locally and to spend my dollars locally,” said Blyth. “The talent that’s come here and the people that have been inspired to open unique restaurants and retail stores have really made the town what it is. So I support them because for the most part I can’t get anything better anywhere else. People know that they can come here and find great restaurants and great stores to shop in.”

For more information, check out  “The Lunch Mob At Go Brit” on Facebook to reach the event page, or contact Dave Burris at


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