'Press release' reporter finds job after News-Journal pulled offer


    As career moves go, Khristopher Brooks didn’t do the smart   thing when he put out a press release announcing that he would join the News-Journal.


    Delaware’s biggest newspaper withdrew its job offer, but thanks to the online world found itself in the middle  of a controversy.

    Old school folks defended the Gannett property’s  decision on a variety of grounds that come with working with newspaper culture and the wisdom (caution might be a better word)  that comes with  age.

    Others wondered whether Brooks , despite his lack of understanding of employment law and business etiquette , might have been the kind of digital-savvy reporter the N-J desperately needs.

    JimRomenesko.com – which has become must reading for many reporters and editors and  helped make the N-J’s decision into a national story –  reported that  Brooks got a job. No press release this time, but the young reporter  is clearly stoked by the controversy and the inquiries that followed.


    CLICK HERE for a link to Romenesko’s post and to find out his new gig. One hint – it’s a bigger market than Delaware.

    Finally, what do you think? Should the News-Journal taken him to the principal’s office on his first day, or did they do the right thing, regardless of the PR consequences? Comment below.

