New features added to website


    The website received new features  after moving to full-time status in late March.

    The site, which was started in 2010, provides business news and analysis, as well as a smattering of police news. Posting takes place on a daily basis. There is no charge or “paywall” for the site.

    In its first month of full operation, the site proved popular with both computer and mobile users. Growth continues in May.

    Added in April was a mobile feature that allows stories to be read from a smartphone or other device. A switch on the right side of the home page allows a switch to the mobile format, if the conversion is not made automatically.

    The mobile format works on both iPhone and Android smartphones.


    A “contact us” feature on the lower right hand corner allows messages and short press releases to be sent to the editor.

    Other improvements will be made in coming months.

    Other features include a stock market listing, regional national and state stories,  and an NOAA weather forecast.

    To submit ideas, press releases and  photos, use the contact us feature for short pieces, or  e mail to
