Climate policy critic says DNREC should seek federal air quality exemption from recent wildfire pollution

A critic of Delaware climate policies says the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control should seek a clean air exemption as the state deals with wildfire smoke and particles.

“An extended period of hazardous air pollution caused by wildfire smoke from Canada jeopardizes Delaware’s status as being “in attainment” with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Being in attainment is an economic development advantage as permits for new and expanding manufacturing ventures can be issued,” David Stevenson wrote in a message from his post at the Glasgow-based Caesar Rodney Institute.

Stevenson noted that The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides a system to have these high-level days expunged as “Exceptional Events.”

Stevenson said DNREC has not applied to the Exceptional Event status in the past.

Stevenson has been active in Caesar Rodney’s efforts to halt offshore wind projects on the East Coast, citing costs and the alleged danger to marine life. He has also called for Delaware to become more self-sufficient in electrical generation.

Opinions have varied on the impact