Energize Delaware announces $15 million in grants for solar at public schools


Energize Delaware has rolled out a Solar for School Districts Grant  Program.

Schools  may use grants for feasibility studies, installation, array components and the cost of utility upgrades.

The school must be within a Delaware public school district and will will require a feasibility study, with solar production reported on an annual basis.

Grants will be active for a period of 24 months after the funding has been allocated and the grant has been approved by Energize Delaware.

Fifteen million dollars has been budgeted for Fiscal Year 2022-23 and beyond for school districts seeking to install solar panels at one or more locations.


Grant amounts range from 1,557,885 for Red Clay, the state’s largest school diostrict to $500,000 for the smallest districts.

Schools are viewed as good candidates for solar, due to large roof areas and in some cases excess land that can handle solar panels.

See a PDF presentation of the program here.
