Delaware ranks 31st in Hispanic assimilation


Source: WalletHub

(Click on state for ranking)

Delaware ranks slightly below the national average when it comes to a ranking of Hispanic assimilation published by the WalletHub financial planning website.

Delaware ranked 31st in the report. West Virginia, which normally ranks toward the bottom in state rankings came in at No. 1. Massachusetts came in at 51st.

Maryland ranked 21st, with Pennsylvania at 47th and New Jersey at 35th.


The rankings were based on civic, education and economic assimilation.

The First State ranked 44th in cultural assimilation, 21st in education assimilation and 27th in economic assimilation.

Delaware has seen rapid growth in its Hispanic population with immigrants from Central American coming to Sussex  County.

The ranking comes during Hispanic Heritage Month and included all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Seventeen indicators of integration were used including English proficiency, educational attainment to Hispanic homeownership rate.

Click here for the full report.
