Shoe repair stores launch pink soles promotion to aid cancer fight


Screen Shot 2015-10-03 at 3.16.06 PMIn  October, you can save your soles and fight cancer. .“Repair with Pink” is an initiative launched by SRI Shoe Repair International and Fast Feet in Wilmington.

“We will donate 10 percent of the proceeds from all of the pink heels and soles we put on in October to breast cancer research,” says Sandra Verbruggen, Fast Feet’s manager. “Our customers can make a statement wearing their pink soles and heels and, together, we can support the research to find a cure.”

For the “Repair with Pink” program, Fast Feet has pink heels and protective soles available for ladies and men’s shoes.  One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime,” says Verbruggen. “By repairing with pink, both women and men can show solidarity and support the grandmothers, mothers, sisters daughters, wives and friends who have fought and continue to fight breast cancer.”
