Newark main fixed; boiled water advisory lifted


10696309_862252333815946_6438587491335825801_nNewark  water utility customers  living in an area off   Capitol Trail  (Kirkwood Highway) on the east end of the city are now able to drink water without boiling it first.

The advisory was lifted after testing determined the water was now safe.  The Main broke on Friday morning and led to the closing for a time of a portion of Kirkwood Highway (Capitol Trail).

Water utility customers in the affected  area may not have  live in the city limits of Newark. It is customary that city water utilities serve areas immediately adjacent to the city limits.

.On the advice of the state Office of Drinking Water of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, residents were advised to boil drinking water.

 Newark and other cities continue to face the challenges of dealing with  aging  infrastructure. The Newark Post reported the line is about 75 years old.


