UD probe estimates upwards of 74,000 affected by security breach


The University of Delaware has concluded its investigation into the July data security breach and identified  upwards of 2,000 additional  individuals who were affected.

The University of Delaware experienced a cyberattack in which files were taken that included confidential personal information of more than 74,000 individuals: about 72,000 current and past employees, including student employees, and fewer that 2,000 non-employees who received a payment from the university.

Cost of the security breach is expected to run into the millions of dollars, based on on previous incidents affecting other organizations.

The confidential personal information includes names, addresses, UD IDs (employee identification numbers) and Social Security numbers.

The university has sent notifications to those affected via email and U.S. Mail.


The university has retained the services of Kroll Advisory Solutions, a global leader in risk mitigation and response, that will provide free credit monitoring services to those whose information was compromised.

If you received a letter or email with a membership number, follow the instructions in the letter.

If you have not yet received a letter or email and you have a UDelNet ID, you can use the IT Security Verification page to see if you are impacted by this incident.

Those not yet receiving a  letter or email and without a UDelNet ID, can contact Kroll Advisory Solutions directly at 1-877-309-0016 to see if you are affected and, if so, to receive further instructions.

