Company with Lewes address claims it can remove mugshots from web


REMOVEMYMUGSHOTS.COM, LLC LOGOA company that lists a business address in Lewes, Del. is marketing a service that it claims eliminates mugshots that show up on websites in relation to police matters. announced  the development of  what it says are cutting edge technology solutions for the removal of online mugshots for its customers.

The company lists a Coastal Highway address in Lewes that is the home of an incorporation firm. The company has not answered  an email inquiry on whether it has operations in Delaware.

A press release said a spokesperson stated that the firm is committed to remaining true to their mission of providing the most affordable and comprehensive reputation management services in the industry because their credo at is that everyone deserves a second chance.”

All 50 states, including the District of Columbia, publish   mugshots on websites. In other situations, the public has access through open records laws.

That has led to other  mugshot websites that publicly post booking photos and arrest records that allegedly ask for money for the removal of the images or information. The mugshots can turn up in searches by employers or others seeking background information.

There are currently more than 80 online mugshot posting websites, according to the release.

A spokesperson, stated that  one of the most common complaints we hear from our customers is that when they get to us they have already paid several mugshot posting sites, or alleged mugshot removal sites, hundreds or even thousands of dollars only to find that their mugshot photos and listings still remain prominently posted on the Internet. says it  provides a  customer satisfaction guarantee.



  1. They can possibly remove mugshots from certain sites but surely not all, and definitely not from the whole internet.

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