Goldey-Beacom apologizes for mailer making light of music majors


Goldey-Beacom College, Pike Creek,  is taking heat for a direct mail piece seeking pep band members that made fun of the income potential of music majors and touted its business programs.

The mailer went viral when Inside Higher  Education published a post that included the following apology from Goldey-Beacom on Facebook. Inside Higher Education is a news website based in Washington, D.C.

“Goldey-Beacom College wishes to express regret for the offense caused by our promotional mailing, advertising our newly-formed Pep Band. The message lacked good taste and respect for the fine arts in general, and music in particular. This communication was not fully vetted and approved prior to mailing, and certainly does not reflect our core values as an institution. We deeply appreciate music and all the arts, striving in every way to produce well-rounded graduates. We sincerely regret the offense that this caused.”

We understand those from around the country who were offended, and who reflected that in their one-star reviews on Facebook. We are sorry that this is your introduction to the College,”

The mailer carried the line  – “Heading off to college to major in music? Well good luck with that!”


The mailer went on take note of a $2,000 scholarship and touted the college’s business programs.

With the rise of social media, controversial posts have been widespread.  However, controversial direct mail pieces are rare.

A few defenders said concern over the mailer was a reflection of  rampant  political correctness. Others pointed to the strong academic skills of musicians who excel in many endeavors and belie the stereotype of the starving artist.
