Rally scheduled in campaign for a more diverse Chancery Court


Citizens for Judicial Fairness will host a rally with civil rights activist Reverend Al Sharpton, Delaware police reform activist Keandra McDole, and Wilmington City Councilwoman Shané Darby in support of judicial diversity on the Delaware Court of Chancery following Vice Chancellor Sam Glasscock’s announced retirement. announcement.

There has not been a Black Chancellor in recent years.

According to a release, candidates for Governor Matt Meyer, Collin O’Mara, and others will call on Gov. John Carney to diversify the Chancery.

Sharpton, McDole, and Darby will call for increased participation within Delaware’s Black community through a voter registration drive to change the status quo of the State’s archaic legal

Citizens for Judicial Fairness emerged from Chancery’s process of resolving an ownership deadlock with New York-based TransPerfect. The group has criticized the business court, which handles corporate disputes and has shifted toward advocating for more diversity in the state’s court system.


Citizens continues to place advertising that takes aim at Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick, with the state Bar Association recently rising to the defense of the chancellor.
