Delaware Electric co-op drops Beat the Peak notification system


Delaware Electric Cooperative ended its Beat the Peak system, effective Sunday.

Due to the antiquated, expensive technology required to make the notification system work, the program is being discontinued, a release stated.

Indicators can be recycled at a Delaware Solid Waste Authority electronic recycling center or thrown away.

Members are asked to download the Beat the Peak app for mobile devices.

The app will notify the member to turn up the thermostat when an alert is issued.


Those using the app can also see how much money Beat the Peak has saved members since the program began in 2008 and receive tips on conserving electricity best. Delawareans can also buy “smart thermostats,” lighting, and other items that can save on electricity costs through the Energize Delaware program.

Members can also check DEC’s social media pages for peak alerts or sign up for email notifications.

The co-op is working to develop a system for members to receive peak alerts via automated phone calls, with plans to launch the program in the spring.

Delaware Electric serves members in portions of Kent and Sussex counties.

Delmarva Power, the state’s largest electric utility, continues to operate a system that allows customers to save on electricity costs during peak periods by turning up the thermostat or through a system that automatically shuts down an air-conditioner/heat pump for a brief period.
