Delaware Covid-19 cases increase at modest rate during summer


While an inrease in Covid-19 is making headlines, figures from the Delaware Division of Public Health do not show a major uptick in the the state.

New York City and Florida have reported outbreaks of the virus, with one high school football game in the Sunshine State postponed.

One key measurement in Delaware, hospitalizations, remains below 30 on a weekly average. That is far lower than the 215 hospitalizations reported in early January. Hospital stays had dropped below 15 in late June, but have gradually increased during the summer.

Cases are likely to spike during the Thanksgiving-Christmas period as people get together for family events and parties.

The number of deaths from the virus totals more than 3,450, with three recent deaths, all from older individuals with underlying conditions.


Covid is expected to remain a public health concern, with treatments and vaccines expected to hold down death rates.

A booster shot is expected to be available in the fall. The vaccine will be revised to deal with new strains of the virus.

For more information, log into the My Healthy Community site.
