State to keep retiree supplement plan until 2024


The State Employee Benefits Committee vote to comply with Judge Calvin Scott’s interim ruling and extend the Medicfill contract for state pensioners for 12 months.

Pending the resolution of the litigation, the SEBC will consider its options for 2024, which include renegotiation of the Highmark BCBS Delaware Medicare Advantage PPO plan contract and rebidding of the State Medicare health plan.

In the coming weeks, all State of Delaware Medicare-eligible pensioners will receive additional information regarding Special Medicfill enrollment for the plan year that begins January 1, 2023. 

Enrollment in the Special Medicfill with a prescription plan will automatically continue for individuals now enrolled. 

Benefit-eligible pensioners who are enrolled in the Special Medicfill without a prescription plan or who have waived coverage for the current plan year will be given the opportunity to make changes effective January 1, 2023.


As additional information becomes available, it will be posted on the DHR – Division of Statewide Benefits ( website and the Office of Pensions website.

The change came after a lawsuit was filed by a group formed to oppose the change, which according to critics would limit the choice of physicians and require pre-approval for more services.

The state has been wrestling with the issue of rising healthcare costs for current employees and retirees.
