State seeks Superfund status for Basin Road site


An area around New Castle County Airport has been proposed as a Superfund site.

The East Basin Road Groundwater Site consists of  groundwater plumes that affect 11 public wells owned by the Artesian and New Castle water utilities.

. The wells serve approximately 209,000 people and are located within the 5,000-acre asite.  The site has been proposed for inclusion on the   Environmental Protection Agency  National Priorities List. That would give the site Superfund status and access to federal funds. 

Treatment of wells in that area  has lowered PFAs to levels below drinking water standards.

The Basin Road site,  like others around the nation is near an airport. New Castle Airpotr is the home of the Delaware Air  National Guard, which used firefighting chemicals with PFAs in training exercises.


The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental  Control has conducted  a preliminary investigation of the site. Findings are available here. 

EPA is accepting public comment on the proposed listing until Nov.  8.

If listed to the Superfund  list, the EPA’s next step in the Superfund Process would be a Remedial Investigation. 

The Remedial Investigation is a more in-depth study to determine the extent of contamination, as well as the risks posed to human health and the environment. 

The New Castle area is also the home of the Army Creek SuperFund site.

Click here for Delaware  Business Now’s stories on First State Superfund sites.

