
Happy Thursday,

This week saw some good news on the tech front as the Zip Code Wilmington software developer program partnered with the Delaware College of Art and Design in providing housing for the fast-track program.

As a blog post from Zip Code noted this week, the 12-week “boot camp”   is so intense that many participants, especially those from outside the area, struggle with issues such as housing.

The College of Art and Design is setting aside one of its housing  floors for Zip Coders who can walk to classes from the downtown Market Street location.

The 12 percent of applicants who are accepted and get through the program have an excellent chance to get a good job and career as developers,  an area where demand far exceeds supply. This is especially true with northern Delaware’s growing fintech (financial technology) industry.


Rents at the college will run  $450 a month,  with a roommate, or double that amount for a single. Zip Code charges $3,000 for the program. Zip Code company sponsors pick up the remaining costs that run another $9,000 if the graduate lands a job with one of those companies.  Financial aid is also available based on need.

The program, which has gained nationwide attention, came with the growing realization that coders don’t need to have a four-year degree.

Many of the specialized skills and traits  (an eye for detail and spotting patterns to name a couple)  are possessed by people who may now be in low-wage occupations. In other cases, Zip Coders are college grads who have found their career choices have not been satisfying or especially lucrative.

The agreement is also a sign that the College of Art and Design is becoming more of an externally focused institution after a long period of maintaining a low profile in Wilmington and the state.

Stay out of the heat if you can. The newsletter has its final August edition tomorrow. – Doug Rainey, publisher.
