Carney critical of Trump Administration’s decision to open Atlantic to drilling

cold_penguin1952 : Flickr

In a letter to U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke,, Delaware Gov.  John Carney outlined his opposition to  drilling for oil and gas in federal waters off the coast of Delaware, or elsewhere in the Atlantic.

President Donald  Trump in April issued an executive order to review restrictions on offshore drilling from  the Obama Administration. The following are excerpts from Governor Carney’s letter last week to  Zinke:

“Delawareans rely upon and enjoy our abundant coastal resources. Over 60,000 jobs directly or indirectly support the fishing, tourism and recreation sectors. Coast-related activities contribute almost $7 billion in economic production to the state,” Carney wrote. “According to a 2012 analysis performed by the Delaware Sea Grant, more than 10 percent of the state’s total employment, taxes and production value can be attributed to coastal related activities. Preserving the coastal environment is essential to Delaware’s economic well-being, as well as vital to maintaining a high quality of life for its residents. The majority of coastal residents perceive offshore oil and gas exploration as a threat to their communities and livelihoods.”

Carney  continued, “We as a nation share the responsibility to ensure that energy decisions do not exacerbate the problems associated with climate change that are already being witnessed. The State of Delaware stands firm in its commitment to alternative energy development, and has prioritized working with neighboring states to develop a comprehensive strategy that will maximize the environmental and economic development benefits of adopting renewable energy. As such, I am opposed to any oil and gas leasing in federal waters offshore of Delaware, or elsewhere in the Atlantic.”

