Despite recent uptick, gas prices remain lowest since ’04


Gas priceGas prices are going into Labor Day at historically low levels, Wilmington-based AAA Mid-Atlantic reported.

The price at the pump was up a couple of cents a gallon from a week ago in Delaware. That was still 14 cents below the same period a year earlier.

One station in the Newark area was reportedly selling gas a $2 a gallon, with other stations in the $2.10 a gallon range.

While pump prices have seen slight increases in the past few weeks, due to higher crude oil prices, refinery issues in the Gulf Coast, and tropical weather systems moving into the Gulf of Mexico, drivers will pay the lowest Labor Day weekend gas prices since 2004.



Regular Unleaded Gasoline (*indicates record high)

9/2//2016 Week Ago Year Ago
National $2.22 $2.21 $2.45
Pennsylvania $2.34 $2.32 $2.49
Philadelphia (5-county) $2.32 $2.31 $2.48
South Jersey $1.97 $1.97 $2.10
Wilkes-Barre $2.36 $2.31 $2.43
Delaware $2.13 $2.11 $2.27
Crude Oil

$43.16 per barrel
(Thursday 9/1/16/close)

$47.33 per barrel
(Friday 8/25/16 close)

$52.02 per barrel

Market watchers continue to look for any signs that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) may consider an agreement that would limit production to influence prices higher. Members of OPEC are due to meet informally in late September, but there are few expectations of any real meaningful agreement.

“Despite the recent increases we have seen in gas prices, motorists are poised to pay the lowest price for the Labor Day holiday in twelve years, maintaining the trend that has been consistent with the other major holidays this summer,” said Jana L. Tidwell, manager of public and government affairs for AAA Mid-Atlantic.

In the coming days and weeks, retail gas prices may be affected by the decline in demand for gasoline as summer comes to an end, especially after Labor Day.

Prices may also be affected by the effects of Hermine on the East Coast. Refineries will also contribute to a change in prices as they shift to producing cheaper and easier to make winter blends of gas.

To check out prices in your community, check out AAA’s  Fuel Price Finder ( locates the lowest fuel price in your area.

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