Gas prices up slightly during week


gas price latestAlthough pump prices have gone up slightly in some areas around the mid-Atlantic region, the national gas average has remained relatively steady, Wilmington-based AAA Mid-Atlantic reported.

In Delaware, gas prices rose a cents four cents a gallon for the week, with a one-cent uptick on Monday.

The Gas Buddy website reported that wholesale clubs led  the way on pricing, with Sam’s Wholesale Club in Dover charging $1.82 and BJ’s in New Castle coming in at $1.85.

The national average price for regular unleaded gasoline is $2.13 per gallon, 27 cents below 2016’s peak price to date of $2.40 on June 11.

Last week, some 44 percent of gas stations nationwide were selling gasoline for $2 per gallon or less. This comes even as U.S. drivers are on track to shatter the all-time record for total miles driven in a year.



Regular Unleaded Gasoline (*indicates record high)

8/14/2016 Week Ago Year Ago
National $2.13 $2.12 $2.65
Pennsylvania $2.22 $2.21 $2.64
Philadelphia (5-county) $2.21 $2.18 $2.68
South Jersey $1.85 $1.83 $2.29
Wilkes-Barre $2.21 $2.22 $2.56
Delaware $1.96 $1.93 $2.43
Crude Oil

$44.49 per barrel
(Friday 8/12/16 close)

$41.80 per barrel
(Friday 8/5/16 close)

$51.17 per barrel

At the close of Friday’s formal trading session on the NYMEX, WTI closed up $2.69 from last week to settle at $44.49 per barrel, closing above the $40 mark every day this week. One item that may affect future prices is that OPEC may again consider production limits by cartel members in an effort to boost oil prices by curbing supply. If OPEC members agree to limit production, crude oil prices could again rise as demand moves into balance with supply.

“With gasoline supplies high and oil prices low, pump prices are likely to remain relatively cheap through the remainder of the summer and into the fall,” said Jana L. Tidwell, Manager of Public and Government Affairs for AAA Mid-Atlantic.  “It is even possible that the national average price of gas may dip below $2.00 per gallon after the summer driving season ends and refineries switch over to less expensive winter-blend gasoline on September 15.”

Provided the next month does not bring a major market-moving event, like a major hurricane or escalating geopolitical tensions overseas, pump prices are likely to remain at relatively low levels.

According to the Energy Information Administration, U.S. regular gasoline retail prices this summer (April through September) are forecast to average $2.19 a gallon,   44 cents a gallon lower than last   summer. U.S. regular gasoline retail prices are forecast to average $2.06 a gallon in  2016 and $2.26 a gallon next year.

To find gas prices in your neighborhood, log on to  AAA’s Fuel Price Finder (
