County releases documents after WDEL story


New castle countyNew Castle County issued  links to  documents  after media inquiries  that followed a  over allegations that   confidential Section 8 housing data  was used in making election calls.

The information was released  after  Freedom of Information Act requests from media outlets.

The county went on to release the information to the public. Gordon earlier released a lengthy statement criticizing the WDEL story.

Earlier, the radio station  posted on its website excerpts of a tape that apparently  featured Gordon and former Chief Administrative Officer discussing the actions of Dana Long.

Click here to view the documents that seem to mainly consist of payroll records related to Long.


Long remains a full-time Section 8 housing inspector for the county, a post he has held since 2009, following his work earlier that year directing the county Summer Youth Program, the county  release stated.

The county went on refute a claim in the WDEL  story  that Long had used confidential information in calling potential voters on behalf of his wife, who was running in a tight race for re-election. During the same election race, Long was accused of pulling up campaign signs of Bethany Hall-Long’s opponent.

The county stated that it  has reported   allegation to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The county Department of Community Services is authorized by HUD to issue 1,825 vouchers in its Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance Housing Choice Voucher Program.

The Section 8 program inspectors are a full-time county employee and a full-time temporary employee. Long is in the temporary position.


