Mid-market companies not cutting back, M&T report indicates


Screen Shot 2016-03-15 at 8.09.31 PMA survey of mid-sized companies shows some pessimism about the economic outlook while maintaining hiring and spending plans.

The contrast between the survey findings from M&T Bank and the actions of executives may be a reflection of the volatility of financial markets and  the presidential primary season, said Gary Keith, vice president and regional economist.

Keith said the noise surrounding recent financial and political news might be leading to “somewhat dour” outlooks reflected in the survey. “All of the noise has some impact,” he said.

The report indicated that about a quarter of  middle market companies expect national economic conditions to improve over the next six months, versus 30 percent  who expect conditions to deteriorate.

“Plans for capital expenditures were unchanged, hinting at the underlying strength in business confidence. Hiring expectations also remained fairly positive, with a net 27 percent planning to add new employees,” the report noted.


Due to the small sampling size of Delaware, it was hard to draw conclusions on any differences in the outlook when compared to other areas, Keith said

However, available data did not show any major differences in the overall outlook, he noted.  Middle market companies in the New York City area were the most upbeat,  followed by the Mid-Atlantic region.

According to Keith, middle market firms, with $10 million to $500 million in sales are a sometimes overlooked area  that may be faring better than some larger businesses.

While not directly  commenting  on the   downsizing plans by DuPont that have rattled legislators and business leaders, Keith  noted that many  middle market companies are less affected by global markets than their larger counterparts.

Keith also suspects  that middle market companies are less reliant on large corporate customers than in the past. Over the years, companies like DuPont sharply reduced their vendor and supplier lists.

An M&T media representative noted that M&T itself, while not a middle market company,  has  115  openings.

M&T has focused its efforts over the years on the mid-sized companies and features some of its customers  in advertising messages.
