Motorists evenly split on gas tax increase in Delaware


vcsPRAsset_523962_89010_6ee1ceb4-947d-461b-aee2-1b9a66c9ed95_0A recent poll of Delaware drivers from  AAA Mid-Atlantic shows mixed views about an increase in the gas tax.

The findings prompted the  AAA to call for  a wider public dialogue about the need for gas tax revenues to improve the state’s roads and bridges.

“We recently asked drivers about raising the state gas tax and found they are equally divided about its merits, although our poll shows more in favor than not,” says Jim Lardear,  director of Public and Government Affairs for AAA Mid-Atlantic. “That means we need to better educate drivers about the need for more money for roads and bridges.  Drivers ultimately pay the price anyway.  If not for better, safer roads, drivers spend more money in repairs to their vehicles because of potholes – or worse, pay with more crashes.”

AAA estimates that motorists pay an average of $300 to repair pothole-related vehicle damage.

AAA has conducted similar recent polls in the Mid-Atlantic region and has found public support for a reasonable increase in gas taxes has gained more public support than during last year.   This may, in part, be due to declining gas prices.


In the AAA Mid-Atlantic poll, 1,240 Delaware drivers were asked if they supported a   5 to 10 cent increase in the gasoline tax as long as the money went to Delaware’s Transportation Trust Fund:

AAA stated that it supports  “reasonable increases in the gas tax to result in tangible improvements to Delaware roads and the motorists who drive on them. Last year, AAA supported the critically-needed funding for road projects and most importantly, for passing a constitutionally protected lock-box that mandates new funding is used for capital projects and not operational costs.”
