Republican senators offer thoughts on State of The State message

Gary Simpson
Gary Simpson

While Republican legislators also celebrated job growth and a new tax system that would attract and keep business in Delaware, they had a slightly different take on the speech by Gov. Jack Markell than his Democratic colleagues.

The following observations were released:

Senator Greg Lavelle

pointed out that while the number of jobs may have grown, total earnings has not. Delaware hasn’t. Delaware continues to lag behind the rest of the country in gross state product growth. Sen. Lavelle will be watching for more ways to keep taxes low this session to encourage job and business growth.

Senator Gary Simpson

agrees in the importance of high quality early education in Delaware, he believes we do offer good benefits to teachers (his wife was a first grade teacher) and isn’t sure we should single out first-time employees for increased wages.

Senator Dave Lawson

agreed. He was happy the governor highlighted the importance of quality teachers in education system and had no problem with offering better wages, as long as there was a system in place to weed out teachers who weren’t performing “so our good teachers can excel.”

Senator Colin Bonini

summed it up with: “Overall the Governor gave a good speech. And while I’m fond of the Governor personally, the rosy picture he painted of Delaware is not the Delaware most people live in. To listen to him you’d think everything in Delaware is just great and it isn’t.” (Bonini is a candidate for governor)
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