Newark organic dairy to add butter to product line


Natural by NatureNatural Dairy Products Corporation, an organic dairy company in Newark, will be introducing organic grass-fed butter to its list of dairy products.

Natural Dairy Products Corp. will be producing butter at its facility with the installation of a brand new butter churn. Natural Dairy Products Corporation, which has been providing customers with fresh certified organic grass-fed dairy products since 1994, will make the butter with fresh milk, which contains no antibiotics, synthetic hormones, or pesticides.

The milk comes from Natural Dairy Products Corps.’ group of family-owned farms located in the mid and eastern regions of Pennsylvania.

Grass-fed butter contains health-supporting vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. It also contains a healthy source of CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), which has been linked to reducing body fat deposits and improving immune system functions. Grass-fed butter also contains a well-balanced source of Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6 fatty acids, which helps to optimize bodily functions and decrease inflammation, a release stated. For more information,  contact Natural Dairy Products Corp. at 302-455-1261 or



    • The story indicates that the company is not yet making the butter. I will check to see if they have a release date.

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