Delaware remains a speedy broadband state


Screen Shot 2015-03-26 at 4.40.50 PMDelaware remains at or near the when it comes to broadband Internet speed, according to a recent report from Akamai Technologies.

The Massachusetts company monitors speeds and other areas of the Internet through its technology.

Virginia edged out Delaware with the highest average connection speed in a report for the fourth quarter of 2014. However, the First State led in other performance measurements.

Delaware has competition in broadband access with many households able to choose between Comcast and Verizon FiOS.Mediacom and Atlantic Broadband also offer broadband access.

Sussex County authorized a provider to supply high speed access to its computer sites in Georgetown, with possibility of business and residences being able to hook up to the system. The state has also worked to provide high-speed fiber service downstate.


Delaware had the highest peak connection speed and led in other categories including the percentage of ISPS, (Internet addresses) with the highest speeds. Broadband are viewed as an economic advantage, especially when it comes to attracting small and medium sized businesses.

Kentucky edged out Arkansas in having the lowest broadband speeds.

“Over the course of 2014, we’ve seen healthy global growth across all of our key metrics for Internet connectivity, broadband adoption and 4K readiness,” said David Belson, editor of the report. “The positive trends make an interesting contrast to a recent study that found 4.4 billion people around the world do not go online, indicating a strong need for continued efforts to improve and deploy Internet infrastructure globally.”

The report also noted the following milestones:

– Global average peak connection speed increased 8.4% to 26.9 Mbps; South Korea leads at 22.2 Mbps.

– Bulgaria achieved highest broadband adoption rate at 96 percent.

China and the United States accounted for more than half of all observed Internet (hack) attack traffic Data and graphics from the Fourth Quarter, 2014 State of the Internet Report can be found on the Akamai State of the Internet site and through the Akamai State of the Internet app for iOS and Android devices.
