(Video) Condé Nast shutters data center, opts for Amazon cloud


Next time you’re browsing Reddit, reading an Ars Technica article or trashing an email asking you to extend your subscription for Vanity Fair or Wired, you can be 100 percent sure it is being hosted and served out of Amazon’s cloud.Condé Nast Publications, the publishing giant that owns these and more than two dozen other well-known brands, has recently decommissioned and sold its data center in Glasgow  in favor of an all-cloud infrastructure provided by Amazon Web Services.

Condé Nast CTO Joe Simon told CIO.com that the company’s management had come to a realization that owning and operating its own data center would not give it the infrastructure agility and flexibility it needs as it expands its already massive presence in digital publishing. “… we are not in the business of maintenance,” he was quoted as saying. “We’re in the business of rapid change.”

Click on the link below for the story from Data Center Knowledge:

via Condé Nasts Migration to Cloud Hard But Good Move VIDEO.
