(Gallery) Teaching children to save


Chip Rossi_Bank of America Delaware Market President

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Delaware bankers and educators marked “Teach Children to Save Week” last month.

During the week, more than 300 banker volunteers taught an estimated 11,000 students in over 110 public, private, and parochial schools, throughout Delaware.

More than 90 percent of Delaware’s banks participated in the Teach Children to Save Day event, the highest participation rate in the nation.

Several bank presidents and special guests volunteered as teachers for the event, these include: Robert A. Glen, state Bank Commissioner; Jim Kelly, chief operating officer, Capital One 360; Chip Rossi, Small Business Products Executive and Delaware Market President, Bank of America; and, Randy Taylor, President, Fulton Bank, N.A., Delaware Division.
Teach Children to Save Day is a part of a national program developed by the American Bankers Association’s Education Foundation to teach children about the importance of saving.

The Delaware Bankers Association coordinates the program in partnership with the University of Delaware’s Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship The center develops the lessons which meet Delaware’s state economic education standards. In addition to lesson development, the center plays a role in preparing the lesson packets for each volunteer and classroom teacher, as well as matching the bankers to the schools.


The Delaware Bankers Association is a not-for-profit, private trade association.
