International business law website rolled out in Delaware


International websiteGov. Jack Markell joined Secretary of State Jeffrey Bullock, Court of Chancery Chancellor Leo E. Strine, Jr., and international attorneys to unveil a new website CorpLaw.Delaware.Gov that highlights the benefits of incorporating in Delaware. The new site features content in 10 languages, a blog with updated information, and an email subscription service for those interested in updates.

“In a globalized economy, businesses have many choices about where they locate and where they incorporate,” said  Markell.  “This website is an important tool that will help the state of Delaware communicate and market to an ever-expanding international audience about the benefits of incorporating in Delaware.”

The new site features basic information on the advantages of Delaware corporate law in 10 languages (English, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish). The content is written in a straightforward and non-technical manner. An accompanying English language blog will feature new content and expert articles that will be refreshed on a regular basis. The website also includes a subscription feature so those interested may sign up for e-mail updates.

Chancellor Strine said, “By creating an ongoing forum for conversation among Delaware’s corporate bar and entrepreneurs, investment bankers and corporate lawyers around the globe, the State’s Corporate Law website will deepen Delaware’s growing status as the world’s leading domicile for the formation of sophisticated business entities.”

The Delaware Court of Chancery Rules Committee participated in creation of content for the site as well, forming an “Article’s Subcommittee” that has crafted expert articles that will be featured on the blog.

Paul Olden, with the law firm NautaDutilh, who provided the Dutch and French translation of the website, said of the project, “In our opinion, it is important to be aware of the high quality of Delaware law and Judiciary. In our home jurisdictions Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, we closely monitor developments on corporate governance in the US, and Delaware in particular. The importance of these developments is partly due to the popularity of Delaware as a domicile for corporations from all over the US (and beyond). Delaware law and its body of precedent case law is therefore an example for the Benelux countries.”

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