Arts and economy theme of October event


    Delaware artists, arts administrators, community leaders, educators, elected officials, and citizens speaking up for the arts will convene for a special presentation, The Art$ Mean Bu$iness, on October 2nd at 3 p.m. at Dover’s Schwartz Center for the Arts.

    Bren1968 / FoterLaredo Philharmonic

    First Lady Carla Markell will make opening remarks. The event is organized by the Delaware Division of the Arts and the Delaware Arts Alliance.

    Results from the recent Arts & Economic Prosperity IV study showed Delaware’s nonprofit arts industry generates $142.3 million in annual economic activity in the state.

    Click on the link below for the full release from the state of Delaware.


    via The Art$ Mean Bu$iness – Arts and Economic Prosperity is the Theme of October Event | State of Delaware News.
