State Chamber President Wolfe steps down


    After more than a decade as leader of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce, James Wolfe has announced plans to retire.Wolfe will depart July 31st, and the search is on to find a successor. Wolfe came to the Chamber after  serving as manager of the now-closed Chrysler Corp. assembly plant in Newark. Wolfe led the Chamber during a difficult period that saw some  of its members restructure operations and even go out of business.

    Wolfe worked to build a coalition of business, labor, education and other interests in areas of mutual interest. That stood in contrast to the sometimes strident positions of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

    Brian Selander, spokesman for Gov. Jack Markell, issued the following statement on Wolfe’s decision:

    "Jim's leadership, vision and experience have been invaluable, not just to the Chamber but our state. He's been a strong advocate, not only for getting getting people back to work, but for working together to do so."
     Click this link from WHYY Newsworks for more details:

    via President of Delaware State Chamber of Commerce steps down — NewsWorks.
