Purses to Portfolios financial education program marks 10th anniversary


From Purses to Portfolios marked ten years of helping Delaware women (and the men in their lives!) take charge of their financial futures with a birthday party-themed conference for 1,000 guests at the Chase Center on the Riverfront last month.

Presented by the nonprofit Delaware Financial Literacy Institute (DFLI), the free event featured national financial experts, such as Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, “The Money Coach”; Mary Caraccioli, veteran broadcaster and “The Money Confidante”; local entrepreneurs like Brew HaHa!’s Alisa Morkides; resources and exhibits.

Del. Gov.  Jack Markell, who founded the organization in 2001 and serves as its President Emeritus, kicked off the conference with U.S. Sen.  Chris Coons, who both remarked on the power of the Purses program in changing lives and building financial skills in future generations.

Emcee Tina Betz recognized the 2014 award recipients, who were honored for achieving 250, 100, 30 or 15 class hours. Outstanding Award honorees included:

Alisha Adams, a  Money School instructor and Money Club enthusiast, who received the Platinum Portfolio Award for 500 hours of financial education.


Antoinette “Toni” Blake, Money School instructor and DeDivahDeals blogger, who received the Golden Purse Award and joined the Treasurer’s Circle with 100 hours. Click here for complete award list.

Additional award recipients, recognized at a private dinner earlier that week, included:

– Raechelle Patterson, Wawa,  DFLI Advocate Award

–  Michelle Morin, Executive Director, Office of Supplier Diversity,  DFLI Small Business Champion

– Paul McConnell and Scott Johnson, McConnell Johnson Real Estate , DFLI Community Advocate Award

From Purses to Portfolios is open to anyone who wants to take charge of her – or his  – financial education. The program targets women of low- to moderate-income levels, giving participants the opportunity to pursue ongoing financial education.
