Covid fears, Phillies and where Delaware stands


Good afternoon,

Wall Street had a scare early this week when stock markets took a tumble over concerns about the faster-spreading  Delta Variant of Covid-19 slowing down the recovery.

Markets sprung back, and as of this writing, the rally was continuing as strong earnings reports overcame virus concerns. 

There are also signs that the 90% effectiveness of vaccines is being tested by some fully vaccinated individuals testing positive.

Crude oil prices remain down,  but with a strong summer travel outlook, don’t look for the price at the pump to follow suit.


The roller coaster ride is understandable. But, unfortunately, there’s a lot we don’t know about Covid-19. Equally unpredictable is human behavior toward vaccines, although history tells us that the current  situation is nothing new.

As noted earlier in this space,  vaccine misinformation made its way into the Philadelphia Phillies clubhouse. Reports indicate that about half of a  roster populated with young, selfish millionaires is vaccinated. At any time, even a small outbreak could end postseason playoff hopes.

President Biden went overboard late last week when he suggested vaccine myths spread on Facebook were killing people.

But he was not wrong about the way social media spreads falsehoods at lightning speed.

Closer to home,  anti-virus myths have subtly made their way to the Facebook comments page of the Delaware Division of Public Health. As a result, DPH recently announced a social media policy in response.

 Biden’s comments clearly stung vaccine foes, even though he walked back the Facebook condemnation.

Over the weekend,  a prominent anti-vaxxer sent a  press release hysterically claiming his free speech rights were being violated by condemnations from Biden and others in his administration.

Yes,  he is banned from the top social media platforms, but that does not stop followers from passing along his views or promoting their views on cable TV shows.

Meanwhile, Delaware remains in decent shape, although vaccination rates trail those in the neighboring states of Maryland, New Jersey, and even Pennsylvania.

Cases have risen but remain at a manageable level. Mask wearing in crowded spaces, such as grocery stores, has declined but is not down to zero.

Delaware is by no means out of the woods, but there is no need to panic. We’re not in a Jacksonville, Fl situation.

At the same time, the recovery of some sectors, such as restaurants, will be held back if the most cautious among us, even those fully vaccinated, choose to stay away. – Doug Rainey, chief content officer.
