Delaware 1 of 5 states in program aimed at upgrading business regulatory processes


Focus will  be on small business development

Delaware is one of five states that will work with the National Governors Association  on improving business regulatory processes.

The work will be completed in partnership with the Pew Charitable Trusts. 

The other states are Colorado, Alaska, Rhode Island, and Tennessee.

The five states will be part of a two-year policy academy tailored to the needs of each state, as defined by its governor, to look for ways state government can remove barriers for businesses to launch, grow and succeed.


Upon the conclusion of the two-year project, participating states will have greater capacity to identify and pursue regulatory changes — including executive orders, pilot programs, funding strategies, and legislative changes, the release stated.

Recent Pew research identified examples from around the country of state governments reducing compliance costs and boosting economic opportunity for businesses by administering regulations more efficiently and providing greater predictability and clarity in their processes while ensuring health and safety.

The focus areas for Delaware include: Entrepreneurs starting and growing businesses, small businesses seeking to grow beyond the initial start-up phase, and state agencies promoting, supporting and regulating entrepreneurs and small businesses across all industries.

“Governors around the country are committed to advancing sensible, predictable business regulations that balance public health and safety with the flexibility to allow entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams and create jobs that are essential to the economy,” said Martin Simon, NGA’s Economic opportunity director. “Through our partnership with Pew, we’ll help give governors the perspectives and tools they need to reform their own states’ regulations in ways that fulfill the priorities and the needs of their states.”

Delaware has been working to improve the environment for small businesses. Owners often claim the focus is too often on large employers, with the state imposing “one size fits all” regulations.
