Blades groundwater could be added to list of Superfund sites

National Guard troops supplying Blades with water earlier this year. The Lewes water notice, unlike Blades covers only drinking water. Blades water had an elevated level of a chemical that affected the entire supply. Blades has since installed a filtration system. (National Guard photo).

The  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is proposing the addition of contaminated groundwater in Blades to the list of Superfund sites.

 Blades is one of five proposed sites to be added to the  Superfund National Priorities List. Sites on the list pose human health and environmental risks, according to the EPA.

The list serves as EPA’s basis for prioritizing Superfund cleanup funding and enforcement actions. Only releases at sites included on the NPL are eligible to receive federal funding for long-term, permanent cleanup.

Blades was in the news last year when tests by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Contol found contamination in the groundwater. For a time, water. had to be trucked into the Sussex County town by the National Guard.

For information about Superfund and the NPL:


Click on the headline below for an earlier story

Carbon filters to be added to Blades water system
