Wilmington rolls out open data information portal


The City of Wilmington introduced an data sharing portal entitled OpenGov.

The new service, which can be accessed on the homepage of the City’s website  (www.WilmingtonDE.gov)   enables the public to view and download more information  about city government including current and historical financial reports and data, and stories about city departments and their respective capital projects.

Mayor Michael Purzycki  said he hopes that by making additional government information available to the public it will promote more responsible and knowledgeable citizen involvement and enhance government accountability through transparency.

“OpenGov provides enormous benefits to our government and for the people of Wilmington,” said  Purzycki. “Our efforts to become a more efficient and accountable government will be assisted by citizens knowing more about the inner-workings of their government. OpenGov makes greater citizen involvement possible by making more information available about budgets, capital projects and how spending is tied to strategic goals. Citizens should have the opportunity to develop more informed opinions about government policies, laws, programs and services. We have moved into a new age of information sharing in Wilmington and that’s how it should be.”

 Purzycki said the OpenGov public platform was purchased   last year for $27,000. OpenGov compiles raw government data to create intuitive charts, graphs, maps, and other visual tools as well as narratives to better explain to citizens their governments’ projects, services and goals. In addition, the Mayor said OpenGov will be used by city administrators, managers and staff to review the same data internally, which will assist with improved decision-making, policy development, cost controls and more efficient delivery of services and programs.


Purzycki said the first phase of Wilmington’s OpenGov platform being introduced today includes data and other information from the Departments of Finance, Public Works, Licenses & Inspections, Real Estate & Housing, Planning & Development, and Parks & Recreation, as well as from the Police and Fire Departments.

Additional information will be placed on the OpenGov platform over the next few months from the Departments of Law, Information Technology, and Human Resources as well as from the Mayor’s Office, City Council, City Auditor and Treasurer.

The public is also invited to visit the OpenGov information platform for large amounts of data and financial reports such as:

Purzycki said the City has established a new email address so OpenGov visitors can ask questions about the site. The OpenGov email is  OpenGovQuestions@WilmingtonDE.gov

