Wilmington ranks as a top spot for start-up companies


WilmingtonDataFox, a  business rating firm,  ranked  the Wilmington area  No. 5 in the nation as a good place for start-up companies.

Ranking ahead of Wilmington was Cambridge, MA, No.1; Second, Santa Monica, CA; Fayetteville, AK, third; and Boulder, CO, fourth. In sixth place is Pittsburgh.

The ranking excluded the start up hot spots of  New York City and the Silicon Valley.

“Wilmington already had the building blocks for a successful business ecosystem: a very favorable tax climate combined with access to decision-makers is fertile ground for new companies, the commentary for the city noted.  “In recent years, the city has worked to attract startups in particular, building incubators and selling entrepreneurs on the low cost of living, easy transit to the other Northeast Corridor states, and the availability of mentors and policymakers alike. Wilmington makes our list due to its high early-stage startup density and the strong growth of those companies.”

A common factor in the rankings was the presence of an institution of higher education.


In the case of the Wilmington area, the University of Delaware and its Horn program for entrepreneurship  was mentioned.
