Greyhound reaches settlement with government in disabilities case filed here


Greyhound_bus_on_the_way_to_Washington-1The nation’s largest and best-known bus line plans to settle an Americans with Disabilities Act complaint filed in Delaware.

Under the terms of a consent decree filed by the Justice Department,  Greyhound Lines Inc., will  make  reforms to resolve allegations that it repeatedly violated the  ADA.

Greyhound is based in Dallas, but is owned by a company based in Scotland.

Greyhound will pay $300,000 in compensation to certain passengers with disabilities identified by the department and will retain a claims administrator to compensate of additional passengers who have experienced disability discrimination. No cap was placed on the number of claims.

The  decree, pending approval by the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware, resolves the department’s complaint that Greyhound engaged in a nationwide pattern or practice of violating the ADA by failing to provide full and equal transportation services to passengers with disabilities.


The alleged violations include failing to maintain accessibility features on its bus fleet such as lifts and securement devices, failing to provide passengers with disabilities assistance boarding and exiting buses at rest stops; and failing to allow customers traveling in wheelchairs to complete their reservations online, a release stated.

“The ADA guarantees people with disabilities equal access to transportation services so that they can travel freely and enjoy autonomy,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.  “Today’s agreement marks a major step toward fulfilling the promise of the ADA, and we applaud Greyhound for entering the consent decree.”

“We are fully committed to ensuring equal access to all opportunities society has to offer, including transportation services,” said U.S. Attorney Charles M. Oberly III of the District of Delaware.

Under the terms of the agreement, Greyhound  will compensate several classes of passengers who faced barriers because of their disabilities.

Through  the  claims administrator, Greyhound will compensate individuals who experienced barriers based on disability during the three years prior to  the  filing.

There is no cap on the number of individuals who may submit claims or on the total amount to be disbursed by Greyhound through this process.  In addition, Greyhound will be required to pay a total of $300,000 among specific individuals identified by the department who experienced ADA violations.  Greyhound will also pay a civil penalty to the United States of $75,000.

The claims administrator for the fund will be posted on Greyhound’s website, and on the department’s Disability Rights Section’s website at following entry of the consent decree by the court.

