Doug's blog: Carper pushes back against health rumor from opponent


On Monday, I received a call from  one of those so called “polls.”

One question asked whether I would vote for U.S Sen. Tom Carper if I knew he had a disease like Parkinson’s.

I found the question offensive. Both of my parents suffered from Parkinson’s in their final years.

It is a cruel disease and I hung up on the guy


The pollster had the nerve to call back later and I answered the question of whether I would vote for Carper if had Parkinson’s with a loud yes.

Parkinson’s in is early stages has no impact on your mental processes. It causes shaking and other symptoms.

It did not take me long to figure out where this poll and the ignorant question came from.

In all likelihood it is a creature of the oddball Senate candidacy of Alex Pires a Sussex County lawyer and entrepreneur who for reasons known only to himself seems obsessed with the senator’s health.

He has demanded that Carper release his medical records, according to published reports.

Several hours later, a video popped up on YouTube of Carper doing push ups during a campaign appearance.

It quickly put to rest any rumors about Carper’s health, although it may have messed up Pires’ story line.

I can hardly wait for the first Wednesday in November when this silliness comes to an end.
